Summer at Walker's

Join us this summer for our Summer at Walker’s programs!

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Capabilities Approach

Disrupting gendered mindsets

We are reimagining girls education.

Why do female students tend to become less vocal as they progress through school despite success? Why do girls often steer clear of certain areas and disciplines? While myriad factors are at work, the key question is: What can schools do to address this disparity and support girls to fulfill their great promise and potential? The answer is — reimagine girls’ education.

Capabilities Approach Program

With the support of a prestigious Edward E. Ford Foundation Education Leadership Grant, Walker’s Capabilities Approach Program seeks to disrupt the gendered mindset into which girls are socialized.

The Capabilities Approach Program offers a different way of thinking about learning beyond the traditional curriculum. The capabilities represent a constellation of skills, interwoven and building on each other, with the end goal being functional mastery of each skill. The acquisition of these capabilities helps our students develop resiliency as they strive to achieve baseline proficiency in these areas, with some capabilities requiring greater stretching of limits than others.

FY24 Capabilities Approach Program Graphic

Our students are encouraged to collaborate and bolster one another over the hurdles providing support to each other as they achieve mastery. This means that the process, not just the result, will be a goal in itself, and our intention is that this model of learning will become the “Walker’s Way” for acquiring new skills.

Collectively, these capabilities — fluencies, discoveries, international experience, agencies, and self-selected — allow for challenge and failure by encouraging girls to be confident and resilient, and to embrace a growth mindset.

Girls swimming
International experience
Junior project presentation


Students acquire digital, financial, and rhetorical fluencies by doing. They code, file personal income taxes, and deliver remarks to the whole community.


Acquiring the ability to swim, deliver first aid, and defend oneself against harm empowers girls to act on their own behalf and for the benefit of others.


Getting out into the world, seeing one’s impact on the environment, and being able to feed your body and your mind allow girls a sense of independence and opens up new avenues of exploration.


Each student chooses a capability that aligns with her interests and she acquires the skills and knowledge that help her achieve mastery. She then teaches these skills to other Walker's students.