Summer at Walker's

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Dr. Julia Sheldon Accepted to Homeward Bound STEMM Leadership Program

Walker’s Science faculty member Dr. Julia Sheldon has been accepted to the Homeward Bound STEMM Leadership Program, an extensive initiative that empowers women to more deeply explore the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM).

The program consists of a one-year virtual leadership seminar beginning in April 2023, a culminating expedition to Antarctica in the winter of 2024-25, and a continuing association with a growing international network of women in STEMM leadership, with a focus on addressing climate change. 

Homeward Bound was founded to create a global network of women with a background in STEMM who are leading and able to solve our world’s greatest challenges. Their programs deliver unique leadership development that seeks to change the current leadership model by equipping STEMM women from around the world with the skills to lead for the greater good, to be inclusive, collaborative, legacy-minded, and trusted with assets.

Congratulations, Dr. Sheldon!