Susan Jensen Rawles ’82

Susan Jensen Rawles Alumnae Board

Susan Jensen Rawles '82

Richmond, VA


B.A., Smith College
M.A., Rice University
Ph.D., William and Mary

Associate Curator of American Painting and Decorative Art, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

What is your favorite tradition from your time at Walker’s?

Cluett and the Ba-Na-Nas!

Who was your favorite teacher? Why?

Mr. Deely – we had an independent tutorial on political philosophy and it was great fun!

What is one piece of advice you would give to a graduating Walker’s student?

Follow your passions wherever they take you.

What are some fun facts about you?

I love to plan projects in my garden, even if they don’t work out!; I love to travel; I enjoy bridge (though I am not good at it!)