Nicky spent 12 years in publishing, first in books and then magazines. She shifted gears about three years ago and is now the director of administration for a general contractor in East Hartford, CT. It’s a great company with a small but talented team. They offer their clients everything from the architectural, interior and branding design, to the actual construction.
I love learning about all of the new opportunities being offered to our students. It seems like everything has gotten better, from the curriculum to the community partnerships. It’s very exciting and I’m always eager to help spread the word.
I actually really loved the annual sports banquet. They always played a video montage of all the athletic highlights from the year and it was just fun.
This is a tough one. Mr. Coster, Mr. Carrington and Dr. Leonard were all fantastic, but I guess I would say Mr. Coster. He was just easy to talk to and never put any limits on our creativity.
Oddly enough, I would say Dr. Leonard’s Film and Fiction was probably my favorite class. We read and watched Dr. Strangelove and I remembered how delighted he was when I started cracking up at a particular scene that no one else seemed to get.
The barn! The stables were my second home and it was where I felt the most comfortable.
Walker’s gave me confidence. I have never been afraid to share my opinions and ideas, or to simply be myself in any situation. But I also learned how to keep an open mind and collaborate effectively with my peers.
Interior design is my secret passion. My bucket list includes joining a theater group and performing on stage. I still love cartoons.